Consent form new2024

Your consulting sessions offer insights and suggestions to be used for informational purposes only. You bear the responsibility for any decision taken based on information provided and agree that Marcia Schafer is not liable to anyone for any loss or injury resulting from the direct or indirect use of such information, and shall not be liable for any decision made or action taken by you or others in reliance upon such information. 

Professional advice, including business and career, is to be weighed and balanced against your own judgement in all matters. 

Health discussions are not a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. You are expected to work with your licensed healthcare practitioner for all medical matters.

Scheduling an appointment means you accept the philosophy, contents and conditions in this document. There are no claims, representations, or warranties as to the information’s completeness, accuracy, currency or reliability. 

You must check the box at the bottom of the session request order form indicating that you have read, understand and agree to the above content.