Glyph Award Winner

It’s no longer a question of “if” we are having extraterrestrial contact, but rather “why” and “how.”


Marcia Schafer explains how cosmic visitors can be here, often unseen and shares their explanations for who we are and our place in the universe.

Their disturbing revelations contradict knowledge we have been taught since the beginning of time.

Want to influence the coming global stage? Then dive into . . .

These alien races declare we are on the threshold of meeting our true ancestors, and they are not the apes from Darwinian evolution. Our history as a species is quite different from what we have been led to believe, and our ideas concerning reality and how we fit into the grand scheme of the universe will soon be challenged. 

We are about to enter a chapter of evolution that will witness genetic mutations and DNA driven changes in consciousness. This next stage will lead to a new way of life as Earth journeys through space and enters another dimension.

Does this sound like science fiction? It’s not.

A believable business executive with a medical, scientific and research background, Marcia Schafer draws on her professional knowledge to explain the how and why behind a lifetime of encounters with extraterrestrial life. Her grounded approach to our alien connection helps bring credibility to the hotly contested topic of contact.

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Part 1: The Journey

Preface: Whats in a Name?

Ch 1: Meeting the Others
(How channeling came about)

Ch 2: In the Beginning…
(The earliest contact visits)

Ch 3: We Are Part of a Larger Consciousness
(My guardians reveal my other lives and teach me to “fly”)

Ch 4:Proof Beyond a Doubt
(Manifesting objects, the cat speaks, warnings about nuclear holocaust)

Ch 5: Cosmic Messages Of Encouragement
(Channeled examples of their guidance)

Ch 6: Who’s Out There?
(Physical & nonphysical bodies, higher multidimensionals, overlords and “Mel”)

Ch 7: Different Species, Different Ways
(Communication processes, translation errors, where they hide, manipulation)

Ch 8: The Nature of Reality (God’s Own Movie Theater)
Parallel realities, dimensions, the oversoul and archetypes

Ch 9: Our Genetic Legacy
(The genetic code, origins of man and races, future mutations)

Ch 10: You Thought You Slept at Night?
(Passing through the veils, exit and entry points, nighttime lessons

Ch 11: Hidden Chambers and Ancient Technology
(Accessing Egyptian chambers, rods & staffs, a different religious history than we know)

Ch 12: Contact Unveiled
(They reveal themselves, the prophecies)

Ch 13: Implications for Mankind
(They are here now, the need to exercise good judgment)

PART 2: The Teachings of the Spiritual Elders



  • Introduction
  • The Nature of Channeling
  • Love, Marriage and
  • Extrication From Relationships
  • Epochal Relationships
  • Representation In a One World Government
  • False Prophets and Big Egos
  • Illusions of Wealth
  • The Sacredness of All Life
  • The Evolution of Man
  • The Puzzle and the Code
  • Wormholes
  • Credentials By God
  • Linking the Circles
  • Comments About the Bible



  • Background
  • Calling Forth An Awakening
  • Riddle For Thee
  • Remembering the Event
  • Recall
  • Wisdom of Action
  • The Heart of the Lion
  • Preparation
  • The Truth Is Upon Us
  • Revelation
  • Talking About Gold
  • The Beginning of Man
  • Tearing Off the Mask
  • Protecting the Ka
  • Epilogue


Why me?

I have been asked by some people, “Why do these things happen to you? Why not someone else?” The truth is that these things often do happen to others, only they won’t always admit to it, at least in public. Only now, things are changing. People like me are coming forward by the hundreds.

Although others have made the claim of extraterrestrial contact, each of us brings a different facet to the phenomenon. We each describe what we have experienced with other life forms, thus providing slightly different perspectives about a common event. I am hopeful that those who have yet to undergo alien communication will benefit by learning from our common viewpoints about these encounters.

I am coming forward at this time to participate in the release of new information that is scheduled to help us have greater understanding of who we are, where we are going and what will soon come our way. Most people are no longer asking “if” things are happening, but rather “why” and “how.” Along with this change, events that were once considered incredible are now being accepted as commonplace.

There is a new receptivity to information about life outside our planet, beyond the third dimension of reality in which we live. It is my hope that this publication will be instrumental to those who want first-hand understanding of what it is like being in the presence of other forms of cosmic life.

Those of us stepping out now are somewhat like the early voyagers to the New World, providing letters that told of the land and people to those who stayed behind. Soon, I expect a multitude of undeniable incidents will flood our lives and books like this will no longer be needed.

It was a difficult ordeal bringing forth this information because I was concerned about the repercussions upon my life and professional credibility. I originally intended to write under a pseudonym to avoid attention and to protect my privacy. However, I was shown that anonymity is not part of the “bargain.” I was told that revealing my professional background, academic credentials and grounded approach to life would enhance the credibility of the contents. As our cosmic friends prepare us to accept that they are here and have been for some time, they seem to find my ability to translate their communiqués about life, reality and universal laws appealing. I think they approve of the rational and logical approach I take with their information because it encourages consideration of what they have to say. My diverse experiences in medicine, science, and business have helped me to understand what I have been taught by other beings and in turn, enable me to explain their perspectives in ways that people can grasp.

By revealing this side of my life, perhaps people will realize that these things can and do happen to ordinary people. Nonetheless, I know there will be those who feel safer considering me unstable, lost in fanciful realms of fiction or unable to distinguish between true conditions of reality. This does not discourage me. I am prepared for whatever comes my way.

I admit, if I were not the author, I am not sure I would believe what appears in these pages. After all, tales about messages from unseen sources, visits from extraterrestrial beings and knowledge from spiritual entities seem like they should be science fiction fantasy rather than an account of what I have experienced. Yet despite my attempts to ignore and deny these situations, I know they have happened and are as real as any other activity in my life. I now realize it is not necessary to choose one reality over another; instead, the key is integration.

It’s time for all of us to recognize the truth that Kansas and Oz exist side by side; we need only change the focus of our momentary attention. We live in a multidimensional world that contains myriad possibilities. The only limitation is what we chose to recognize and accept.

The two parts of this book take different approaches to imparting information. Part One is a personal account of my struggle to reconcile and accept the events in my life, particularly the mysterious visits from many unknown beings.

Part Two, the Teachings of the Spiritual Elders, contains information channeled from a consciousness much older and wiser than humanity. Their reflections about society offer guidance intended to help us grow. Interestingly, some of this information has been given in rhyming verse.

For those unfamiliar with channeling, it is communication from a source that joins the person speaking. Some people leave their body, like a trance medium, while others (like me) stay conscious and are aware of what is happening while in an altered state. Often, I am unsure of what is going to be said, but sometimes I sense it moments before the words are uttered. I can intervene at any time if I want to interject a comment but usually prefer to send my thought to the other entity and have it describe my viewpoint.
When I channel, there is usually a feeling of powerful, unconditional love, coupled with wisdom and universal understanding. While in that state, I have access to fascinating knowledge about things I did not previously know about.

Besides the channeling, I have had significant face-to-face extraterrestrial contact throughout my life. Although I have repeatedly tried to ignore, repress and hide this, I must acknowledge the incredible gifts I gained through these experiences.

These space travelers have taught me about many secrets of the universe that are based on scientific laws we have yet to become familiar with. At first I doubted whether the information was accurate, but after I began to search physics books and contemporary literature about alien encounters, I was shocked to find validation of what I experienced. I have seen their androids, time travel, processes to perpetuate mass illusions, genetic manipulation and even transfer of souls into clones. They have told me things about our government that I would not have believed if I had not heard later validating reports in the news. I do not have scientific proof of my encounters, and I probably never will unless they decide differently; I can only offer my personal account.

However, I have often had knowledge beyond that of the general population, and those who know this secret side of me have sometimes sought me out for answers that might not readily be found elsewhere.
Now, I have been asked to come forward as one of many who will help our planet prepare for intergalactic communication as we enter a new phase of civilization. I have been told that a global effort is going to commence over the next few years to increase our awareness of other intelligent life forms.

According to these others, they are preparing us for an unveiling of the truth about who we really are. This message was given to me in an abrupt and unexpected visit just days after the “Phoenix Lights” episode, when many people throughout the city reported sighting UFO’s one evening. After a long reflection about the possible consequences of admitting to be a contactee, I decided to comply and participate. The details of what happened during this dramatic visit are described in the chapter Contact Unveiled.

How did I get to this point?

My dual life started at birth but was carefully hidden from others. When I was growing up, I told no one about my experiences. Who was there to tell? I endured visits from unknown beings that left me very confused, but there was no one to confide in. When I finally became a young adult and left home for college, I encountered a string of personalities who were involved in metaphysics. Many of these people harbored enormous and harmful egos, while others were downright charlatans. They were often uneducated and could not explain themselves in a rational manner; they presented themselves in ways that seemed to diminish their credibility. I ran away, not wanting to be associated with unstable fanatics.

These experiences resulted in a complete swing of the pendulum to the other side. I was dismayed by the irrational beliefs held by those I felt were unbalanced. As a result, I made sure I developed a strong foundation in common sense, intelligence and logic. I turned my back on my unexplained encounters and embraced conventional science and educational pursuits. I entered traditional medicine, beginning as a registered nurse, which led to a trail through healthcare administration. I earned a master’s degree in business administration while running quality management departments for healthcare organizations; I also specialized in research, strategic planning and leadership training. Ultimately, I abandoned the corporate world to pursue developing a consulting business.

Ironically, I spent a large part of my professional life in “black and white” environments directing people to take all aspects of instinct and gut-level decision-making out of the work environment and instead taught them how to understand data and statistics.

The formula approaches I taught from the total quality management movement helped many leaders improve their organizations. However, as my psychic abilities and spiritual awareness grew, it became increasingly evident that total reliance on hard facts was just as off-base as were knee-jerk reactions based on undeveloped gut feelings.
Along with this growing insight, I suddenly discovered guidance available from an unknown source that created much internal conflict. Channeling was, at first, unacceptable to me. As it later seemed to develop into a fad to which many people laid claim, I became even more reticent to get involved. Yet the information that came forth was very, very interesting.

Looking around at other published works brought confidence. Gary Zukav, Joan Borysenko, Judith Orloff, and Olga Kharitidi were members of science and the medical profession who wrote of other forms of consciousness and psychic situations. They were highly educated people, M.D.s and Ph.D.s who were literate and articulate. If the contents of their books were accepted, then mine was no more outrageous. And there were scores more stories shared by people just as well spoken and intelligent who worked in other established disciplines.

One day, a friend reminded me that having this knowledge from other worlds without sharing it with others was not necessarily honoring the intention of the communication. This insight brought me to a new perspective and this book was born.


As I come forward to speak about my paranormal experiences, I believe there will be three types of people who will react differently to what I present. These groups are not divided by race, nationality or religion, but rather by consciousness. I hope to help bridge the gap between these groups by explaining off-planetary experiences so others can be better prepared and integrate the information into their own belief systems.
The first group of which I speak are those who have experienced a strong spiritual awakening and will find the events in this book to be a matter of course, for they have their own experiences of equal merit and intensity, perhaps even more so.

The second group are those who are beginning to awaken. They have a mild-to-strong interest, often interspersed with a few out-of-the ordinary experiences, perhaps a near death experience, an encounter with someone who died, or strong instances of intuition or telepathy.

Finally, there are the hard core nonbelievers who cling to the tenets of a taught religion or pure intellectual pursuit. If it’s not in the Bible or documented by NASA, then it falls somewhere between the devil’s work and psychiatric delusion. I hope that they will choose to regard this manuscript as more than a bathroom accessory in the spirit of Voltaire, who once wrote to a man who offended him:

“Dear Sir, Currently I am seated in the smallest room in the house. I have your correspondence before me. Soon, it will be behind me.”

Like so many other stories, such as those written by Richard Bach or James Redfield, the chapters may be regarded as entertaining fiction or perhaps, just perhaps, another vision of truth. The choice, as always, is yours. I hope you enjoy the contents. I wish you blessings on your journey as you enter into mine.

Why cant I buy it?

What's up with That? If youre not seleing

Why cant I get a copy?

It needs to be revised and updated for today’s very different world. While people all over the world still want to buy it, I just havent had time to revise and republish it.

If you’re asking what difference does it make, shouldn’t the information be timeless, then you are right. Sort of.


My wholxxx

It has been two mxxx